Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Onwards and Upwards...

We're back!
The computer trouble is being resolved and we think we have been able to save all of our files!
WHEW! Big relief there.

I know it's been a few weeks now, but here are a few 'on the run' shots from the recent Niche market at the end of August.

Ruby Victoria Paperie Stall - my neighbours on one side. Narelle had the amazing printing press (just seen bottom left of picture) going throughout the market, drawing heaps of onlookers. Hubby, Alan (pictured) was a handy man to have around - he did coffee runs for appreciative stallholders.

Yummy Mini Cupcakes (sorry girls I didn't get your name - too busy eating!!)

The beautiful Rose from Foal Design and her lustworthy cloth hats - Rose is currently showing off her engagment ring! Yay! I bought a stunning aqua blue number!

The stunning Joanna and her papercraft were my other neighbour and what good company she was. Joanna was the original creator of the famous Roo Poo paper from the Paper Mill at Burnie. She uses century old papermaking methods and all of the illustrations are her own.

Once more, Sophie from That Vintage, was innundated with keen shoppers for the entire 2 days! I don't think I saw her look up from her stall until closing time on Saturday! Yay Soph!

Sam (seen ducking down) and Maya, from Hideyo, dazzled us once more with their incredible folded art. I loved seeing almost every second person walking through the markets clutching a bunch of their beautiful flowers!
More soon......

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