This is just a quick post to ask if anyone would be kind enough to send a few thoughts and prayers my Mum's way.
We found out yesterday that she has been diagnosed with Leukaemia and was taken straight into hospital to start 4 weeks of chemotherapy.
Needless to say, the news was a little stunning.
Unfortunately she is in Townsville Base Hospital, away from most of her family and friends. Her sister is in Mackay, a few hours away and the rest of us are further than that.
I'm hoping to find some cheap plane tickets in the next few weeks, and will certainly be keeping in touch with phone calls and letters.
But I would so appreciate any goodwill folks could send her way.
If anyone is in Townsville, and you would be happy to visit, please let us know - I am sure she would appreciate the company. If anyone would like to send a card, let me know and I will give you the address. Her name is Laurel as well.
Here's hoping for remission at the end of this all.