Thursday, 12 March 2009

red bamboo is online once more...!

Dear all,
Just a quickie to let everyone know we have finally received our modem and are back online as of today! Yay!
It's amazing how much we have come to depend on email and the internet. Especially for information gathering - it has been almost 2 months since we have been connected and it has made things definitely more difficult (and expensive since we have had to use Internet Cafe's in the meantime).
We are settled down here in the Apple Isle and are finding our feet in our new home.
Will write more when I have some piccies to show off and more time - got a few emails to answer right now!


1 comment:

Pam said...

Annie! So good to hear from you finally! Glad you're settling in well.
Have to agree with you about the internet too! lol. Have no idea how I managed to get along before I "found" the internet! :)